Install Webmin on AWS Amazon Linux 2

Install Webmin on Amazon Linux 2

Today we’re going to install one of our favorite Linux management tools. Webmin has been around for a very long time and is great if you’re not a command-line guru. Or perhaps you just prefer a nice GUI to look at. Webmin has a great documentation wiki here.

So let’s get started.

First, we’re going to install the repository so Yum can find it. We’re going to create a .repo file and fill it using vim.

sudo vim /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo

Now lets add the Webmin settings in the file.

name=Webmin Distribution Neutral

Save the file. Now Let’s go get the GPG key so Yum can validate the authenticity of the package.

sudo rpm -import jcameron-key.asc

OK now that we can the reference to the repo installed and the GPG key imported, we’ll simply use Yum to install Webmin. It’ll take care of all the dependencies.

sudo yum install webmin

Once that’s done, Webmin will be running and serving on port 10000. You’ll want to adjust your security group in EC2 to make sure port 10000 is open. Also by default, Webmin serves secure pages using https. Most servers don’t have a domain-specific SSL cert installed at this point, so it’ll default to a self-signed certificate. Chrome and other browsers will complain about this. We’ll go over installing SSL certificates another day. For now, just accept the warning and continue to https://you_ip_address:10000/.

The last thing you’ll need to do is set the Webmin root password. By default, it tries to use the system root password which you don’t have access to. But no worries. We can force a password for the Webmin root user only. We can set up other users in Webmin btw. Let’s change the password for root now

sudo /usr/libexec/webmin/ /etc/webmin root New_Root_password

#to restart webmin
sudo /etc/init.d/webmin restart

We’re all set and can now use Webmin in EC2 on Amazon Linux 2.


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